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SICP-JS Solutions

Chapter 1 - Building Abstraction with Functions

1.1 The Elements of Programming

This part includes exercise 1.1 - 1.8

Exercise 1.1

Print out the given sequence of statements:

console.log("\n==========Exercise 1.1==========");
console.log("10: ", 10);
console.log("5 + 3 + 4: ", 5 + 3 + 4);
console.log("9 - 1: ", 9 - 1);
console.log("6 / 2: ", 6 / 2);
console.log("2 * 4 + (4 - 6): ", 2 * 4 + (4 - 6));
const a = 3;
const b = a + 1;
console.log("const a = 3");
console.log("const b = a + 1: ", b);
console.log("a + b + a * b: ", a + b + a * b);
console.log("a === b: ", a === b);
console.log("b > a && b < a * b ? b : a ", b > a && b < a * b ? b : a);
"a === 4 ? 6 : b === 4 ? 6 + 7 + a : 25",
a === 4 ? 6 : b === 4 ? 6 + 7 + a : 25
console.log("2 + (b > a ? b : a) ", 2 + (b > a ? b : a));
"(a > b ? a : a < b ? b : -1) * (a + 1) ",
(a > b ? a : a < b ? b : -1) * (a + 1)


==========Exercise 1.1==========
10: 10
5 + 3 + 4: 12
9 - 1: 8
6 / 2: 3
2 * 4 + (4 - 6): 6
const a = 3
const b = a + 1: 4
a + b + a * b: 19
a === b: false
b > a && b < a * b ? b : a 4
a === 4 ? 6 : b === 4 ? 6 + 7 + a : 25 16
2 + (b > a ? b : a) 6
(a > b ? a : a < b ? b : -1) * (a + 1) 16

Exercise 1.2

Translate the following expression into JavaScript:

5+4+(2(3(6+45)))3(62)(27)\frac{5 + 4 + (2 - (3 -(6 + \frac{4}{5})))}{3(6-2)(2-7)}
console.log("\n==========Exercise 1.2==========");
function eval() {
return (5 + 4 + (2 - (3 - (6 + 4 / 5)))) / (3 * (6 - 2) * (2 - 7));
console.log("Evaluation result: ", eval().toFixed(4));


==========Exercise 1.2==========
Evaluation result: -0.2467

Exercise 1.3

Declare a function that takes three numbers as arguments and returns the sum of the squares of the two larger number:

console.log("\n==========Exercise 1.3==========");
function squareSumLargerTwo(num1, num2, num3) {
if (num2 > num1) [num1, num2] = [num2, num1];
if (num3 >= num1) [num1, num2] = [num3, num1];
else if (num3 >= num2) num2 = num3;
return num1 ** 2 + num2 ** 2;
"The sum of the square of two larger numbers in [10, 2, 3]: ",
squareSumLargerTwo(10, 2, 3)


==========Exercise 1.3==========
The sum of the square of two larger numbers in [10, 2, 3]: 109

Exercise 1.4

Describe the behavior of a_plus_abs_b provided in the book:

Exercise 1.4

Exercise 1.5

Evaluate Ben Bitdiddle’s function in both applicative-order and normal-order.

Exercise 1.5

Exercise 1.6

Alyssa P. Hacker proposed an “optimized” function of the square root iteration function provided in the book:

function conditional(predicate, then_clause, else_clause) {
return predicate ? then_clause : else_clause;
function alyssaSqrtIter(guess, x) {
return conditional(
isGoodEnough(guess, x),
sqrtIter(improve(guess, x), x)

However, This function won’t work because when the conditional(a, b, c) function been called, all three arguments will be evaluated immediately thus make the program stuck in a infinite loop.

Exercise 1.7

Optimizing square root function by comparing the current guess with the previous guess:

function sqrtIter(guess, x) {
return isGoodEnough(guess, x) ? guess : sqrtIter(improve(guess, x), x);
function isGoodEnough(guess, x) {
return Math.abs(guess ** 2 - x) < 1e-3;
function improve(guess, x) {
return average(guess, x / guess);
function average(x, y) {
return (x + y) / 2;
function sqrt(x) {
return sqrtIter(1, x);

Improved iteration function:

function improvedSqrtIter(guess, x, prevGuess) {
return improvedIsGoodEnough(guess, prevGuess)
? guess
: improvedSqrtIter(improve(guess, x), x, guess);
function improvedIsGoodEnough(guess, prevGuess) {
return Math.abs(guess - prevGuess) < 1e-3;
function improvedSqrt(x) {
return improvedSqrtIter(1, x, 0);
console.log("\n==========Exercise 1.7==========");
console.log("Calculate the square root of 0.0001");
console.log("old method result", sqrt(0.0001));
console.log("improved method result", improvedSqrt(0.0001));


Calculate the square root of 0.0001
old method result 0.03230844833048122
improved method result 0.010000714038711746

Exercise 1.8

Implement cubic-root function with the formular:

x/y2+2y3\frac{x / y^2 + 2y}{3}
function cubicRootIter(guess, x, prevGuess) {
return isCubicGoodEnough(guess, prevGuess)
? guess
: cubicRootIter(improveCubicRoot(guess, x), x, guess);
function improveCubicRoot(guess, x) {
return (x / guess ** 2 + 2 * guess) / 3;
function isCubicGoodEnough(guess, prevGuess) {
return Math.abs(guess - prevGuess) < 1e-3;
function cubicRoot(x) {
return cubicRootIter(1, x, 0);
console.log("\n==========Exercise 1.8==========");
console.log("The approx. cubic root of 8: ", cubicRoot(8));
console.log("The approx. cubic root of 27: ", cubicRoot(27));


==========Exercise 1.8==========
The approx. cubic root of 8: 2.000000000012062
The approx. cubic root of 27: 3.0000000000000977